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Ac6, Your source for Embedded Java Development


Ac6, IBM and Apogee join forces in France

Based on Java technologies from IBM (such as the J9 virtual machine and WebSphere Studio Device Developer), Apogee's partners, and providers of open-source Java software, Apogee's Aphelion(tm) is highly suitable for:
  • developing Java applications targeted at many types of devices that use embedded systems, such as the advanced wireless communication devices, electronic consumer appliances, industrial controllers and monitors, factory floor automation devices, client devices used in enterprise management systems, RFID devices, point-of-sale terminals, telematics and infotainment devices, etc.;
  • deploying such applications on the targeted devices with high runtime execution speed and small runtime footprint.
Aphelion brings to developers of Java applications targeted at embedded systems most benefits that made Java Platform successful on desktops and enterprise systems, such as short development cycles, simple runtime deployments, less costly maintenance and updates of deployed applications, and easy migration of existing applications to other target platforms.

Depending on the version of the Aphelion Java Runtime Environment (JRE) it pass the relevant Sun Microsystems Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) test suite, thus providing a conforming implementation of the relevant standards.

Aphelion is comprised of Java Runtime Environments (JREs) and Java Development Environments (JDEs) created by Apogee with participation by Ac6 for RTOS/processor(*) platforms requested by our customers, and customized for needs of each such customer. For example, we can include in a given JRE any additional Java API packages needed by customer's Java applications, and tune the resulting JRE for the highest possible runtime performance and the smallest possible runtime footprint when running such applications.
(*) For example, the eLinux/x86 platform, comprised of an x86-based processor running one of the "embedded" Linuxes.

Among the options critically important for embedded systems developpers, Aphelion includes a complete and conformant implementation of the Real Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) based on the latest RTSJ specification.