Custom JavaTM Runtime Environment
Each CJRE is comprised of RTOS/processor ports of:- J9VM equipped with a JIT compiler (if the JRE is not RTSJ compliant);
- RTSJCL if the JRE is RTSJ compliant;
- GNU classpath library; and
- any of the following components needed by Java applications that will be running on this CJRE:
- Components that would be included in the RTOS/processor-targeted EJRE, for example Javax.comm class library, unless all the APIs of each such package are included in the port of GNU classpath.
- Client-side runtimes that need the J2SE-compatible Java API packages, for example, the runtimes supporting the access to/from certain server-resident databases, which need the java.beans and javax.sql J2SE-compatible packages. Each needed J2SE-compatible package is obtained from the GNU classpath library, ported to the customer requested RTOS/processor platform, and the port is made to work with the relevant components of CJRE and customer's Java applications.
- Application-level packages obtained from various providers of the open-source Java software, each of which needs at least one J2SE-compatible API package, for example: the Tomcat servlet container from Apache.org; or the JavaMAIL package from Sun's open-source Java software website. Each needed J2SE-compatible package is obtained from the GNU classpath library, ported to the customer requested RTOS/processor platform, and the port is made to work with the relevant components of CJRE and customer's Java applications.
- java.applet, java.awt, java.beans, java.io, java.lang, java.math, java.net, java.nio, java.rmi, java.security, java.sql, java.text, and java.util.
- javax.accessibility, javax.crypto, javax.imageio, javax.management, javax.naming, javax.net, javax.print, javax.rmi, javax.security, javax.sound, javax.sql, javax.swing, javax.transaction, and javax.xml.
- org.omg.
Note that GNU classpath presently includes the following API packages compatible with J2SE 1.5 (about 90% of them) or J2SE 1.4 (remaining ones):
CJREs are not compatible with Sun's CDC J2ME platform. However, each CJRE can still pass a large majority (over 95%) of tests in relevant Sun's J2ME TCK test suites.